Dr Stephanie Brandt

Dr Stephanie Brandt

Dr. Stephanie Brandt is a child, adolescent and adult psychiatrist and psychoanalyst in private practice NY, USA

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Dr Stephanie Brandt

Dr. Stephanie Brandt is a child, adolescent and adult psychiatrist and psychoanalyst in private practice in Manhattan. She is a clinical assistant professor at Weill – Cornell Medical College and has been a faculty member of the New York Hospital Department of Psychiatry since 1983. Dr. Brandt is a summa cum laude graduate of SUNY Downstate Medical School and received all her psychiatric training at Cornell/ New York Hospital. There she has supervised trainees on their individual cases and taught various didactic seminars on divorce, domestic violence and various trauma syndromes in adults and children.

Dr Brandt is also an experienced forensic evaluator in litigation that focuses on children. In that role she was, for decades, a neutral appointed custody evaluator in various metropolitan courts including Manhattan and Bronx Family and Supreme courts. Currently, in addition to her earlier work in domestic cases, she concentrates an expert witness evaluation and testimony in federal Hague Convention litigation. She was the expert in many well-known cases, such as ‘Elyashiv v Elyashiv’ (EDNY 2002) and ‘Davies v Davies ‘(SDNY 2017). Her last completed case, ‘Saada v Golan ‘(EDNY 2018) is currently being considered for argument before the Supreme Court.

Dr. Brandt is also on the faculty of the New York Psychoanalytic Institute where she is the Chairperson of the Ethics Committee. She is also a Supervising Analyst on child analytic and therapy cases. She teaches courses to both junior and senior candidates on professional ethics, evaluation and technique in child therapy and psychoanalysis, and on sexuality including those syndromes that involve sadism and harm to others She a frequent guest lecturer on domestic violence and coercive control in various other courses. She is the Co-Chair, the Annual Discussion Group “Domestic Violence and Clinical Practice: Issues in the Psychoanalytic Treatment of Adults and Children,” as the annual meeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association and has been a panelist on a number of conferences on parental alienation, sexual assault, as well as a speaker at other conferences on the Hague Convention.

Dr. Brandt recently edited a volume on domestic violence and coercive control, that was published last fall in the International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies. This volume includes her paper on treatment as well as papers by other authors who made contributions about early attachment between mothers and infants (Tronick) the legal process (Fischel Wolovick) and on the sociology of the global epidemic of domestic violence. (Stark).

You can read Stephanie's papers here including:

Brandt, S., 2023. The myth of gender neutrality in family court: A clinician's perspective on determinations of “the best interest of the child”. International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, 20(3), pp.403-434.

Brandt, S., Hague Domestic Violence Forum.

Shaknes, V., Stringer, J. and Brandt, S., 2023. Women's rights and child abductions under the Hague Convention. International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, 20(3), pp.495-506.

Brandt, S. and Rudden, M., 2020. A psychoanalytic perspective on victims of domestic violence and coercive control. International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, 17(3), pp.215-231.

Articles by 

Dr Stephanie Brandt