For support for those concerned children are being exposed to abuse

June 9, 2022

We at SHERA thank the NSPCC for denouncing the pseudoscientific 'parental alienation' belief system which harms 10's of thousands of mothers and children globally, in their submission to the Children and Families Act consultation (2022):

Another issue highlighted in the Review was credence given to claims of ‘parental alienation’ whereby children’s views against contact with one parent and therefore contrary to the presumption of parental involvement were seen as contaminated by the other parent, usually the mother 38. This results in claims of domestic or other abuse being dismissed or minimised, while claims of alienation are taken seriously by both judges and other court professionals such as Cafcass officers. The NSPCC does not believe there is sufficient evidence to support the concept of parental alienation.


For support for those concerned children are being exposed to abuse

If you're worried about a child, even if you're unsure, contact their professional counsellors for help, advice and support.

Email: help@nspcc.org.uk.
Tel: 0808 800 5000

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We welcome input from a wide field of expertise including experts by experience victim-survivors. Get in touch if you would like to contribute.